MicroBrowser Android

SpiderControl™ AutomationBrowser for Android™ previous versions and pre-release



Version 1.0.31 (2024.11.15)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

Support anti-aliasing
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Home screen)

Support alarm/trend features from Saia-Burgess Control
* AutomationBrowser (SBC)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen, SBC)

What's new in this version?

- Add new option in menu to delete HTML 5 cache in WebView control
- Show Chrome/<version> in the Version-Info box, if WebView package not found

Version 1.0.30 (2024.08.29)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Home screen)
* AutomationBrowser (SBC)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen, SBC)

- Select OEM file */* (for Android 13 and 14) or find it in Download folder and copy it in the app scoped folder
- Support Anti-aliasing option in AutomationBrowser (SBC) with 16 bpp
- Bug fix with Frameset, since v.1.0.27

Version 1.0.29 (2024.06.11)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Home screen)
* AutomationBrowser (SBC)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen, SBC)

- Add new option in menu to Keep Screen ON in MicroBrowser/HTML/VNC/Video view
- And do no longer Keep screen ON in station list
- Bug fix in URL jump from HTML to MicroBrowser (where station name is null)
- First version of AutomationBrowser (SBC), supporting alarm/trend features from Saia-Burgess Control

Version 1.0.28 (2024.05.27)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Home screen)

- Bug fix with Lock/Unlock UI in menu
- VNC: Bug Fix in reconnection
- CODESYS 3: Support auto font scaling support
- CODESYS 3: Bug Fixes
- Change storage directory for Android 10, 11 and 12 (like in Android version >= 13) /Android/data/net.spidercontrol.automb/files/automb.xml

Version 1.0.27 (2024.04.22)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser 16-bpp (Home screen)

- Bug Fix with S7-Login and support S7-Logout
- Change behaviour of PIN Code, disable buttons instead of showing Login dialog
- Return to the countdown page (with retries) when connection is lost and Auto start is defined with a delay
- Show "Loading..." on starting MicroBrowser view
- Toggle Auto start (ON/OFF) with long press
- Bug fix on saving alarm/trend log files since Android 13 (Tiramisu)
- Support Rounded icons (especially since Android 14)
- And other bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.0.26 (2024.03.11) - 16 bpp

* AutomationBrowser (16 bpp)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen, 16 bpp)

- Support rescale with Anti-Aliasing option, that can be enabled and disabled in menu
- Show the Floating Button to open and close the Android keyboard in VNC, only if Android Keypad option is enabled in the menu

Version 1.0.26 (2024.03.05) - 32 bpp

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Show the Floating Button to open and close the Android keyboard in VNC, only if Android Keypad option is enabled in the menu

Version 1.0.25 (2024.02.29)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Support Floating Button to open and close the Android keyboard in VNC, a long press moves the button
- On connection lost in MicroBrowser view (http or vnc), return to the countdown page 3, 2, 1... if Auto-Start with a delay of at least 3s is enabled
- Check connectivity for VNC and RTSP in asynchrounous task (URL Jump) and show Toast message if connection failed
- Fix conflict with wrong credentials in URL and Authentication dialog

Version 1.0.24 (2024.02.07)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- CODESYS 2: Bug fix when using transparent color on JPEG images

Version 1.0.23 (2024.01.31)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- VNC: Fix connection issues and support connection retry
- VNC: Fix issue with color palette

Version 1.0.22 (2024.01.24)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Support VNC in AutomationBrowser AB1 license
- Support credentials in URL, like http://user:password@hostname/
- Hide password specified in URL (for http, rtsp and vnc), like vnc://*****

Version 1.0.21 (2023.12.22) -Beta-

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Support FRAMESET for WebView and/or RTSP video with 2, 3, 4 and 6 frames

Version 1.0.20 (2023.11.17) - Released

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Support new features from SpiderControl Editor 8.10 (Call Draw Functions, Pie charts, new Oscillo macros, Action loop...)
- Support downloading file with href like "data:text/json;charset=utf-8,..."
- And use default filename "file_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.txt" (or .csv, .xml, .json), if filename is not specified in the content disposition
- Show Android System WebView version in the Info Version box
- Bug fixes with out of screen objects
- CODESYS 3: Bug fix with font size

Version 1.0.19 (2023.10.10)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Update MicroBrowser to version 161
- Bug fix in Oscillo macro and time format

Version 1.0.18 (2023.05.24)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Show supported ABIs like [armeabi-v7a, armeabi] in the Info Version box
- Support reading setting file from public internal storage, like /Download/AutomationBrowser/automb.xml
- Support single station mode to start directly the URL specifed in app setting file, without showing station list
- MicroBrowser: Don't stop read and write while opening keypad (watchdog PPO)
- MicroBrowser: Bug fix with invalid state on URL jump, due to previous loading error

Version 1.0.17 (2023.03.29)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Fix issues by reading (and writing) files from external storage in Android 11 and 12
- Change Storage directoy depending on Android version
* Android < 13: /Download/AutomationBrowser/
* Android >= 13: /Android/data/net.spidercontrol.automb/files/

AutomationBrowser for armeabi-v7a, 16 bpp with anti-aliasing option enabled

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home app for auto start)

Version 1.0.16 (2023.03.20)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Fix issues to find OEM file in Android 11 or greater (always use Download/AutomationBrowser/)

Version 1.0.15 (2023.01.31)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Export/Import perco file (for MB_PERCO_x variables)
- Export/Import files in the standard app external storage directory since Android version 11
- Prompt user to Keep app data when de-installing the app
- Show Storage directory with Toast message when not licensed
- Default station URL is

Version 1.0.14 (2022.10.20)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Update MicroBrowser

Version 1.0.13 (2022.10.18)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Bug fix with Auto Start on Android 9

Version 1.0.12 (2022.09.30)

* AutomationBrowser (Standard)
* AutomationBrowser (Home screen)

- Support new features from SpiderControl Editor version 8.00
- Support new TLS versions (Fix SSLHandshakeException on WAGO PFC with Fw version > 19 (21))
- Support scroller in Drop Down List in SpiderControl views
- Start page in HTML 5 mode, for Saia hybrid web project using both IMasterSaia Applet tag and javascript.
- CODESYS v.2: Support webvisu from Beck IPC@CHIP
- And other bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.0.11 (2022.04.29)

* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.11
* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.11 (Home screen)

- Tap five times in the top left corner to abort the countdown in auto-start
- Bug fix in auto start with MicroBrowser, due to check of content-length
- Add LicenseReport.pdf for the PdfViewer
- CoDeSys 2: Support the sort of alarm table with date and time or with the state

Version 1.0.10 (2022.03.14)

* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.10 (Home screen)>
* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.10 (Home screen)

- Support Pdf viewer and image viewer
- Show SN/HW from /data/serial file and SCADA Server version if installed, in the app Version-Info box
- Save licence file in the application download folder, to be reused if the app is uninstalled, under "/Download/AutomationBrowser/licence.txt
- Support VNC URL (AB2 on demand)

Version (2021.12.16)

* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Bug fix in Auto-start of the Home-Screen app, restart the countdown on Home pressed

Version (2021.11.18)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Bug fix in Auto-Start, if the http scheme is missing in the URL, like "mydomain.com"

Version (2021.11.12)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Fix issues with Auto-Start and Auto-detect
- Support installation of APK file, after downloading the APK file from the WebView control (HTML 5)
- Support the connection retry (10s) if Auto-Start is enabled with a delay and the web server is not reachable
- Minor changes in layout
- Add Log messages in AutoStart Activity
- Support Log File, that can be enabled in menu
- Don't use Android Downloader Manager anymore in WebView control, to fix issues with https and invalid SSL certificates

Version (2021.10.28)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Support file download from WebView control using Android DownloadManager
- Ask to open specific app for download files like doc, xls, ppt, avi, mp3, zip, ...
- Remove Anti-Alias option, since it's not supported anymore in 24 BPP
- Show Android version and device info in Version-Info box
- Show serial number from /data/serial, in the app Version-Info box
- Update MicroBrowser to version 156.1

Version (2021.09.27)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Update MicroBrowser to version
- Support USB Storage that can be enabled in menu
- Support Import/Export configuration files on USB stick if enabled
- Support new Container "_KEYPAD_EN", to enable/disable the use of the keypad TEQ file or Android on screen keyboard
- Support new Container "MB_isScreenOn"

Version (2021.05.04)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Improve auto-start if auto-detect is not selected (MicroBrowser, HTML5 or Video with rtsp://xxx)
- Show "..." on startup, if the target is not immediately reachable until 60 s
- Or show boot image on statup from /sdcard/Download/bootscreen.png, if the image file exist
- Bug fix with video images frozen, for example on app switch. And don't stop video on touching the screen
- Remove the Welcome text from previous version

Version (2021.03.23)

- Show Welcome view on first start, for 3s or 10s if the auto start URL is localhost
- CoDeSys 3: Bug fix with clipping in draw text

Version (2021.03.18)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Support two new container variables "MB_App.goBack" and "MB_App.close" to return on the station list from MicroBrowser
- CoDeSys 3: Bug fix with missing 1 pixel vertical and horizontal line
- CoDeSys 3: Bug fix with rendering issue after a change of the screen size (on rotate and on immersive change)
- CoDeSys 3: Support touch drag events

V. (2021.03.13)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Support multi-touch in MicroBrowser view
- Check permission for storage on start up to read OEM file
- Support OEM file from Download/AutomationBrowser/uBrowser.oem
- Bug fix with S7-1x00 login popup and writeVal with [] in variable name
- Set VLC video network caching from 120 to 200 ms, due to dropping frames errors
- CoDeSys 3: Extend functionality of image pool to fix issue with missing image files

Version (2021.01.28)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Better support of SVG files in MicroBrowser (especially tiny SVG in CODESYS v3)
- Bug fix with untrusted SSL certificate, "YES (Always)" didn't work after a new start with selector on "HTML 5"
- Support VideoActivity in AutomationBrowser (also in Home screen)

Version 1.0.8 (2020.12.10)

* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.8
* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.8 (Home screen)

- Add Auto-start delay of 45s and 60s
- Update MicroBrowser to version
- Bug fix with SSL certificate when user pressed "YES (Always)"
- Support URL jump history in MicroBrowser with Android back button, like in HTML 5
- Support MicroBrowser Web Service on localhost with port 8085 for SpiderPLC
- Support CODESYS V.3 webvisu in MicroBrowser
- Support SVG with 32 bit-per-pixel frame buffer (ARGB_8888)
- Support draw text with alpha-blend and rotation
- Support opening PDF file (and other file types) using the installed app from HTML 5 WebView control
- Fix issues with uninitialized state after a crash
- Start immediately in WebView control if HTML 5 mode is selected
- Play sound on showing app info
Version (2020.11.13)
- Fix issue with unknown HTTP Authentication (TwinCAT) use HTML 5 WebView Control for that.
- Support showing video stream in native code, with URL like rtsp://hostname/live0
- Update MicroBrowser to version

Version (2020.09.22)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Support opening URL like rtsp://hostname/live.264, for live video streaming (with external app)
- New Keypads with Height: 360 and is flat and blue
- Enable/Disable Use Wide View Port in HTML 5 with auto-scale option
- Increase size of icons in navigation bar

Version 1.0.7 (2020.07.16)

* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.7
* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.7 (Home screen)

- Support Tooltips
- Support Oscillo Macro
- Work in background task
- Support Opening PDF files from MicroBrowser with specific Android app
- And other bug fixes and improvements

Version (2020.05.18)

* AutomationBrowser V.
* AutomationBrowser V. (Home screen)

- Support Navigation bar for HTML 5 views
- Support Disabling Android Keyboard on WebView (HTML5) with an argument in URL, like ?NOKBONT=title+name Or if title contains a substring like ?NOKBONT=Web

Version 1.0.6 (2020.02.03)

* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.6
* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.6 (Home screen)

- Support Auto-Start with a boot delay: 1, 3, 15, 30 or 90 seconds
- And other bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.0.5 (2019.10.24)

* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.5
* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.5 (Home screen)

- Support PIN code to prevent any modification (Operator mode)
- Support new option to open the page: Auto detect, HTML 5 or MicroBrowser
- Show Android Settings in menu for the Home edition
- New license key for AutomationBrowser with challenge code prefix AB1-
- Use long press on back button to return directly in the station list and skip the navigation history from HTML5 WebView control
- Close app with CODESYS V2 exit action "INTERN EXITPROGRAM" and not only finish the MicroBrowser Activity when coming from WebView (App > WBM > WebVisu > Exit)

Version 1.0.4 (2019.06.28)

* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.4
* AutomationBrowser V.1.0.4 (Home screen)

- Supports GZIP encoding
- Supports new formatting for real numbers
- Supports reloading of images (from camera)
- Supports opening PDF files from remote and local file
- Supports URL jump from CODESYS V2 to V3
- Supports connection retries when Auto Start is enabled
- Supports SSL (URL with https://) and IPv6
- Supports Static language switch in CoDeSys v2 (*.vis)
- Improves the rendering of texts (Use Android fonts with anti-aliasing and without any limitation on font style and size)
- Improves edit mode with Android keyboard (Visu still visible)
- Bug fixes in SpiderControl and CoDeSys v2 visu
- Supports Immersive Full-Screen Mode since Android KitKat


Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
CoDeSys is a trademark of 3S Smart Software Solutions GmbH
SpiderControl is a trademark of iniNet Solutions GmbH
(c) 2024 iniNet Solutions GmbH, All rights reserved